Thursday 1 October 2009

First Filming

Today (23rd September 09) we learned how to use the schools Sony HD video cameras. I now know how to construct the camera tripod, record a short film, and how to load a tape into the camera.

After this we set off to record a very short film revolving around the idea ‘A Journey.’ For our piece we first positioned the camera on the balcony over looking the foyer. We filmed a point of view and pan shot of Nicola walking down the stairs and around the foyer where I would bump into her. Shanice filmed this scene

We then rigged the camera at the top of a flight of stairs, here Nicola walked down whilst I appeared at the bottom of the steps ready to walk up, when Nicola got to the top of the stairs she would run down some steps on the opposite side of the school ready to meet me at the bottom of the stairs we were filming and visa versa. Shanice also filmed this scene.

We then relocated to outside the stairway door, here we filmed a worms eye shot of Nicolas feet walking from the door into the workshop I filmed this scene.

Once inside the workshop I filmed Shanice walking into the workshop and getting scared by Nicola.

Then to experiment low camera angles we relocated to the lift to film Shanice from below.

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